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21 Lectures on '21

Free admission
January 13 - November 10 2021

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Lecture Series "21 Lectures on '21": "Narrating the Revolution of 1821: historiographical patterns and institutions"

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Committee for the celebration of the 200 years since the Greek Revolution, which was established by decision of the Rector Professor Meletios-Athanasios Dimopoulos, in the last two years had already begun preparing for the foundation's contribution to the celebrations of 2021, aiming to highlight the significance of the Revolution as a Greek and international affair. The University honors the Revolution with conferences, events, exhibitions, artistic events, and at the same time it contributes to the deliberations and extensive dialogues on the course of the Greek state from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day. At the same time, it aspires to popularize and deliver the scientific knowledge of 1821 to a broader public.

In the framework of the Lecture Series "21 Lectures for '21", on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, at 19:00, Mr. Vangelis Karamanolakis, associate professor of the Department of History and Archaeology in the NTUA School of Philosophy, will give an online lecture on: "Narrating the Revolution of 1821: historiographical patterns and institutions".

The lecture focuses on studying the Revolution of 1821 in the 19th and 20th centuries, while attempting to highlight its main milestones and link it to the institutionalization and development of historical studies. In this direction, it mentions a series of institutions (universities, archives, institutes, societies of scholars, research centers, museums), which developed teaching and research on the Struggle. Starting with the teaching of the Revolution at the University of Athens, the lecture will address the creation of the first archival collections and publications when the fighters of 1821 actively participated in public life. Focusing on the gradual monumentalizing of the Struggle with ceremonies, such as those for its 50th anniversary, it explores how the founding of a series of institutions contributed to historicizing it over a long period.

The starting point of the above process is the assumption that the institutions were the framework for the teaching and research of the Revolution of 1821 and decisively influenced its content and conceptualities as the leading event of Greek national history. The Struggle's historiographical treatment within the institutions was in constant deliberation with the political and social circumstances and became a fundamental element in forming political lineages and identities.

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You can also attend through the NKUA YouTube Channel: The complete program of events planned by the NKUA for the Revolution of 1821 is available at the link:
All lectures are available here: 21 Lectures on 21